"Dear Anna Olson" by Dean Kalman Lennert

"Dear Anna Olson" is a hand-drawn animated film being made by Dean Kalman Lennert .

Check out the links to Dean's site for more info. about how he's making this independent 15-minute short film and to see screen grabs and clips.

Here are a couple of things about the film posted on YouTube :

A few quotes from people who have seen the work in progress:

"There are typical animated films and then there are animated films that help define exactly what sets this medium apart from live-action film.

Dean Lennert's 'DEAR ANNA OLSON' is one such film, which upon completion, is sure to remind all about the elegance and power of hand-drawn animation when it is in the hands of a modern master such as Lennert."

-David B. Levy , Animation Director and Author of "Your Career in Animation: How to Survive and Thrive"

"Dean Lennert's subtle animation and narrative skills are on full display in 'DEAR ANNA OLSON' . This sensitive and emotional story, skillfully told through detailed and expressive moving drawings, is a work-in-progress deserving of your support"
-John Canemaker,   Academy Award winning animator/director and author of many
influential books on animation history.

This looks like a film worth keeping an eye on.