Cute Misa Cosplay as Misaka Mikoto

Lets switch from super hot Mai Shiranui Cosplay to cute Moe cosplay by Misa, Misa Cosplay as Misaka Mikoto character from Toaru Kagaku no Rērugan anime series, there is another Coser too in this Misa Cosplay photo but i don't know her name, she cosplaying as Kuroko Shirai they both look great on this Misa Cosplay photo they both look like very close in real.

Cute Misa Cosplay as Misaka Mikoto Gallery

i'm not a big fans of this anime so i don't know what happened with Misaka Mikoto and Kuroko Shirai ^^ they both look very close, it seems like kuroko very loving hug Misaka but Misaka don't like that (misaka i mean Misa, please switch with me when Kuroko trying to hug you XD). well my favorites picture is the first one, and in the second Misa Cosplay photo i love the angle and the background of the sky, it represents an infinite dreams :D, well i got this Misa Cosplay photo from her facebook page, its cute Misa Cosplay.