Code Geass Cosplay Photography by Miyuko

Finally i can touch my blog again :3 after few day i can't get close to my blog now i got more time for update my cosplay post, well this time i got another awesome cute Code Geass Cosplay photography by one of my favorites korean coser girl, Miyuko, its almost December (still 2 month tho XD) that why i think posting about xmas stuff sound sweet, in this Code Geass Cosplay photo Miyuko cosplaying as C.C the pizza girl.

Code Geass Cosplay Photography by Miyuko Gallery

There is no word anymore to explain how cute Miyuko is, she's super kawaii girl (at least for me :D), i don't know why C.C wearing xmas costume like that (xmas is still two months away right) maybe she just wanna test her Xmas costume ^^ well miyuko look perfect with that xmas costume in this Code Geass Cosplay photo though i think red costume and green hair is not match at all :D (oh wait her hair color look like xmas tree color XD in that way the color is match), well i love this Code Geass Cosplay photo by Miyuko and i got it from Miyuko's facebook fanspage.