Street Fighter Cosplay Photography : Han Juri

Street Fighter Cosplay Photography : Han Juri Gallery

We got my favorites Character of my favorite fighting game, This is Street Fighter Cosplay Photography by Italian Cosplayer, her name is Sewa, actually on this Street Fighter Cosplay she cosplaying as Han Juri from Super Street Fighter IV, i like this Han Juri character because she got very cool move, i think her fighting style is TaeKwonDo, beside her move i also love her evil smile and how she really proud of herself XD, well on this Street Fighter Cosplay Photography Sewa got a nice expression, and she did great pose too (love her pose on the first picture) and about her cosplay costume i think thats close with a real one on the game, and that fade black on this Street Fighter Cosplay can represent Han Juri's personality, well i got this Street Fighter Cosplay Photography from Sewa's WorldCosplay Page.